CLDR 41 Release Note


Unicode CLDR provides key building blocks for software supporting the world's languages. CLDR data is used by all major software systems (including all mobile phones) for their software internationalization and localization, adapting software to the conventions of different languages.

CLDR v41 is a limited-submission release. Most work was on tooling, with only specified updates to the data, namely Phase 3 of the grammatical units of measurement project. The required grammar data for the Modern coverage level increased, with 40 locales adding an average of 4% new data each. Ukrainian grew the most, by 15.6%.

The tooling changes  are targeted at the v42 general submission release. They include a number of features and improvements such as progress meter widgets in the Survey Tool

Finally, the Basic level has been modified to make it easier to onboard new languages, and easier for implementations to filter locale data based on coverage levels.

The following table shows the number of Languages/Locales in this version. (See the v41 Locale Coverage table for more information.)

Beyond the member organizations of the Unicode Consortium, many dedicated communities and individuals regularly contribute to updating their locales, including:

Data Changes

Because this is a limited-submission release, the data changes are limited. The focus for data this release was on Phase 3 of the project for providing grammatical information for units of measurement, with more locales reaching a modern coverage level, plus Phase 1 of a project to revamp Coverage levels.

Locale Changes

File Changes

JSON Data Changes

Specification Changes

The following are the main changes in the specification:

Tooling Changes

Survey Tool



Upcoming Changes


The following shows the growth of CLDR data per year, represented as an area chart. 

Known Issues

This section will contain issues that arise after the data, code, or spec has been frozen.


Many people have made significant contributions to CLDR and LDML; see the Acknowledgments page for a full listing.

The Unicode Terms of Use apply to CLDR data; in particular, see Exhibit 1.

For web pages with different views of CLDR data, see