
Special characters for Lakota

Please use the following forms of the non-A-Z letters when entering data for Lakota (you can copy and paste from here):

Glottal stop (please use this instead of the right curly quote produced by standard key layouts ʼ
Consonants, lowercase č ǧ ȟ ŋ š ž
Consonants, uppercase Č Ǧ Ȟ Ŋ Š Ž
Stressed vowels á é í ó ú
Standard digraphs using special letters (you can use these or combine the single letters above) aŋ čh čʼ iŋ kȟ kʼ pȟ pʼ tȟ tʼ uŋ
Additional digraphs (you can use these or combine the single letters above) ȟʼ sʼ šʼ