Special characters for Lakota
Please use the following forms of the non-A-Z letters when entering data for Lakota (you can copy and paste from here):
Glottal stop (please use this instead of the right curly quote produced by standard key layouts | ʼ |
Consonants, lowercase | č ǧ ȟ ŋ š ž |
Consonants, uppercase | Č Ǧ Ȟ Ŋ Š Ž |
Stressed vowels | á é í ó ú |
Standard digraphs using special letters (you can use these or combine the single letters above) | aŋ čh čʼ iŋ kȟ kʼ pȟ pʼ tȟ tʼ uŋ |
Additional digraphs (you can use these or combine the single letters above) | ȟʼ sʼ šʼ |