Language/Locale Name Patterns
Locale display patterns are used to format a compound language (locale) name such as 'en_AU' or 'uz_Arab'. The following patterns are used.
For example, take "en_AU". First the language code 'en' is translated, such as to "anglais", then the country is translated, such as "Australie". The patterns is used to put those together, into something like "anglais (Australie)". This works the same way if there is a script; for example, "uz-Arab" => "ouzbek (arabe)".
If there is both a script and a region, then a list is formed using the separator, then {MODIFIERS} is replaced by that list, such as "uz-Arab-AF" => "ouzbek (arabe, Afghanistan)"
For certain compound language (locale) names, you can also supply specific translations. Thus for the whole locale 'en_AU', you can provide a translation like "Australian English".
Code patterns are used to format a language, script or locale for display. For example, the language code pattern would be translated from "Language: {0}" in English to "langue : {0}" in French, and would be used to format the language "ouzbek" into "langue : ouzbek".