Design Proposals

This section contains design proposals, listed as subpages below.

In each proposal, please add a header and a TOC if it is longer than a page. You can cut&paste the structure in Proposed Collation Additions and make the necessary changes.

Alternate Time Formats

BCP 47 Changes (DRAFT)

BCP47 Syntax Mapping

BCP47 Validation and Canonicalization

BIDI handling of Structured Text

Change to Sites?

Chinese (and other) calendar support, intercalary months, year cycles

Consistent Casing

Coverage Revision

Currency Code Fallback

Day-Period Design

Delimiter (Quotation Mark) Proposal

English Inheritance

European Ordering Rules Issues

Extended Windows-Olson zid mapping

Fractional Plurals

Generic calendar data

Grammar & capitalization forms for date/time elements and others

Grapheme Usage

Hebrew Months

Index Characters

Islamic Calendar Types

ISO 636 Deprecation Requests - DRAFT

JSON Packaging (Approved by the CLDR TC on 2015-03-25)

Language Data Consistency

Language Distance Data

List Formatting

Locale Format

Localized GMT Format

Math Formula Preferences

New BCP47 Extension T Fields

New Time Zone Patterns

Path Filtering

Pattern character for “related year”

Pinyin Fixes

Post Mortem

Proposed Collation Additions

Resolution of CLDR files


Search collators

Secular/neutral eras

Specifying text break variants in locale IDs

Suggested Exemplar Revisions

Supported NumberingSystems

Thoughts on Survey Tool Backend

Time Zone Data Reorganization

Transform Fallback

Transform keywords

Unihan Data

Units: pixels, ems, display resolution

UTS #35 Splitting
