Building and Running the Survey Tool on Eclipse

How to build and run the Survey Tool under Eclipse.

These instructions are under construction. Add comments below with any feedback or questions.

These instructions assume you are checking out/building the trunk CLDR and tools.

Set up CLDR for Eclipse

    • See: Eclipse Setup. Make sure you have "Eclipse for Java EE".

    • Include the "cldr-apps" project when you import projects. It will import as a "Java EE" project.

Initial Prerequisites

[MD: added yellow here and below with recent notes as I updated.]


Open tools/cldr-apps/.classpath and search for "Tomcat" to find out the version you need, which we'll call XX in this description.

The SurveyTool is tested and deployed on Tomcat XX .

Download and unpack the latest Core distribution of Tomcat somewhere (use directories without spaces in their name), but don't attempt to install or run it- Eclipse will be launching it directly.


  • =>

  • <myDirectory>apache-tomcat-XX

Next, bring up the Server->Runtime Environments preference section.. Add your Tomcat runtime, and you can check "Create a New Local Server" now.

Preferences > Server > Runtime Environments > Apache Tomcat XX > <myDirectory>apache-tomcat-XX

[Note that you will choose Apache Tomcat vXX, otherwise the picture below is correct.]

Next set Server runtime:

Preferences > Web Services > Server and Runtime > Tomcat XX Server.

Do a clean build:

Project > Clean > Clean All Projects

Select org.unicode.cldr.unittest.web.TestAll

Run as > Java Application

it will fail

Run Configurations > TestAll

> Arguments > VM Arguments > -DCLDR_ENVIRONMENT=UNITTEST

> Main > Rename to TestAll cldr-apps

Run TestAll again.

you will get lots of System.err messages, but test should pass.


At this point, the cldr-apps project should build successfully, without errors.

--> Congratulations. Now, proceed to SurveyTool Step-by-step setup.

Running cldr-apps any other time

    • Select the cldr-apps project and choose Run from the Run menu. (Or Debug if you want to.)

    • Double-click on Run on Server.


Unsupported Platforms

RAD 7.5

    • On RAD 7.5 I had to add the .jar files, explicitly, to the "Java EE Module Dependencies" page before the server would work.

WebSphere (instead of Tomcat)

    • On WAS7 there was a conflict between the ICU embedded in WAS7 (3.4.5?) and the latest one to be used. A missing symbol UnicodeSet.Freezable identifies this problem. Still unresolved.