BRS: Run tests on production data

This assumes that you have run the steps in the CLDR-ICU integration process up through step 5a. Generate the CLDR production data (and that CLDR_TMP_DIR points to cldr-staging). Or you can just set the variables as in step 1, and run the tests on previously-generated production data.

The idea is to run the CLDR unit tests and ConsoleCheckCLDR tests on the data in cldr-staging/production just as they would be run in the main cldr repository. Since cldr-staging/production lacks some of the directories in the main cldr repository, then need to be copied temporarily.

cd $CLDR_TMP_DIR/production

# Temporarily copy some directories needed from CLDR_DIR

cp -RPp $CLDR_DIR/exemplars .

cp -RPp $CLDR_DIR/seed .

cp -RPp $CLDR_DIR/tools .

cp -RPp $CLDR_DIR/pom.xml .

cp -RPp $CLDR_DIR/keyboards/dtd ./keyboards/

cp -RPp $CLDR_DIR/keyboards/import ./keyboards/

cd tools

mvn package

# check that all builds report SUCCESS

cd ..

java -DCLDR_DIR=$(pwd) -jar tools/cldr-code/target/cldr-code.jar check -S common,seed -e -z final_testing

# check that result is << SUCCESS - No errors found. >>

# Then remove directories temporarily copied.

rm -rf exemplars

rm -rf seed

rm -rf tools

rm -rf pom.xml

rm -rf keyboards/dtd

rm -rf keyboards/import

cd ..

If there are errors, investigate to find the underlying cause, then file a ticket to fix the underlying problem. Often errors result from the fact that GenerateProductionData removes CLDR values that are ↑↑↑, which can produce incomplete logical groups (for example).