Bulk Data Upload

Here are the instructions for a bulk upload (of an XML file in LDML format) to the Survey Tool. You must be reasonably conversant with XML and the LDML format to use this method.

Example XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<!DOCTYPE ldml SYSTEM "../../common/dtd/ldml.dtd">  <!-- Not important. Latest DTD will be used. -->



    <version number="$Revision: 6546 $"/> <!-- ignored -->

    <generation date="$Date: 2012-02-07 10:32:35 -0800 (Tue, 07 Feb 2012) $"/> <!-- ignored -->

    <!-- CRITICAL: you must supply a valid identity block specifying language,

          and if part of the identity, the script, region, variant, etc. -->

    <language type="aa"/>  <!-- Required -->




      <!-- The draft attribute and alt=proposed value are ignored. Comments are ignored.  -->

      <script alt="proposed-ABCDEF" type="Latn" draft="unconfirmed">Latin</script>  <!-- OK. -->

      <!-- The rest indicate errors people might have. -->

      <script alt="proposed-ABCDEF" type="Mong" draft="unconfirmed">Latin</script> <!-- ERR: duplicate -->

      <script alt="proposed-ABCDEF" type="Brai" draft="unconfirmed">Latin</script> <!-- ERR: duplicate -->

      <script alt="proposed-ABCDEF" type="Hant" draft="unconfirmed">Latin</script> <!-- ERR: duplicate -->

      <script alt="proposed-ABCDEF" type="Deva" draft="unconfirmed">Latin</script> <!-- ERR: duplicate -->

      <script alt="proposed-ABCDEF" type="0" draft="unconfirmed">Latin</script>    <!-- ERR: bad 'type' -->




    <defaultNumberingSystem>brai</defaultNumberingSystem>  <!-- ERR: can't change via survey tool -->



Note: the filename of the XML file doesn't matter

Example Submission View:

Note to Organization Managers: if you are submitting on behalf of another user, clicking these links will switch your user to that user.