Note: The instructions below don’t work. Manually update tools/cldr-code/src/main/resources/org/unicode/cldr/util/data/external/EuCode.txt
(Old instructions: do the same with, into util/data/external/eu_member_states_raw.txt BROKEN LINK )
Find the section “The XX member countries of the EU: (may be a link at the bottom or sidebar)
Copy and past into …workspace/cldr/tools/java/org/unicode/cldr/util/data/external/EuCodes.txt
Compare with last revision; if there are differences, update containment.
If there are no real differences, do not bother updating EuCodes.txt
Note: “git diff --word-diff” is helpful for finding that, for example, only whitespace changed.
Record the latest version that’s been synced as a meta-data//This is new (Aug 2020)!
Q: Not sure how or where to do this?
Run TestUnContainment
mvn -Dorg.unicode.cldr.unittest.testArgs='-n -q -filter:TestUnContainment' --file=tools/pom.xml -pl cldr-code test -Dtest=TestShim