Updating Population, GDP, Literacy

Updated 2021-02-10 by Yoshito

Instructions are based on Chrome browser.

Load the World DataBank

The World DataBank is at (http://databank.worldbank.org/data/views/variableselection/selectvariables.aspx?source=world-development-indicators). Unfortunately, they keep changing the link. If the page has been moved, try to get to it by doing the following. Each of the links are what currently works, but that again may change.

  1. Go to http://worldbank.org
  2. Click “View More Data” in the Data section (http://data.worldbank.org/)
  3. Click “Data Catalog” (http://datacatalog.worldbank.org/)
  4. Search “World Development Indicators” (http://data.worldbank.org/data-catalog/world-development-indicators)
  5. In “Data \& Resources” tab, click on the blue “Databank” link. It should open a new Window - https://databank.worldbank.org/reports.aspx?source=world-development-indicators

Once you are there, generate a file by using the following steps. There are 3 collapsible sections, “Country”, “Series”, and “Time”

Load UN Literacy Data

  1. Goto http://unstats.un.org/unsd/demographic/products/socind/default.htm
  2. Click on “Education”
  3. Click in “Table 4a - Literacy”
  4. Download data - save as temporary file
  5. Open in Excel, OpenOffice, or Numbers - save as cldr/tools/java/org/unicode/cldr/util/data/external/un_literacy.csv (Windows Comma Separated)
    1. If it has multiple sheets, you want the one that says “Data”, and looks like:
  6. Table 4a. Literacy
  7. Last update: December 2012
  8. Country or area Year Adult (15+) literacy rate Youth (15-24) literacy rate
  9. Total Men Women Total Men Women
  10. Albania 2008 96 97 95 99 99 99
  11. Diff the old version vs. the current.
  12. If the format changes, you’ll have to modify the loadUnLiteracy() method in org/unicode/cldr/tool/AddPopulationData.java
  13. Note that the content does not seem to have changed since 2012, but the page says “Please note this page is currently under revision.”
    1. If there is no change to the data (still no change 10 years later), there is no reason to commit a new version of the file.
    2. See also CLDR-15923

Load CIA Factbook

Note: Pages in original instruction were moved to below. These pages no longer provide text version compatible with files in CLDR. (CLDR-14470)

Convert the data

  1. If you saw any different country names above, you’ll need to edit external/alternate_country_names.txt to add them.
    1. For example, we needed to add Czechia in 2016.
  2. Q: How would I know?
    1. If two-letter non-countries are added, then you’ll need to adjust StandardCodes.isCountry.
  3. Q: How would I know?
    1. Run “AddPopulationData -DADD_POP=true” and look for errors.
  4. java -jar -DADD_POP=true -DCLDR_DIR=${HOME}/src/cldr cldr.jar org.unicode.cldr.tool.AddPopulationData
  5. Once everything looks ok, check everything in to git.
  6. Once done, then run the ConvertLanguageData tool as on Update Language Script Info