2014 - this page is out of date.

TODO: Copy descriptive text from the SurveyTool Step-by-step setup page as a starting point.

This configuration file, located inside the 'cldr' directory of your web server, has a number of settings. This list aims to be a comprehensive guide to this file.

Some parameters may be edited within the SurveyTool by using the Step-by-step setup. Just open tomcat/cldr/admin.html and click on the Setup link to get started.

Here is a description of the Priority column:

    • MANDATORY: This option must be set correctly. Please check it. ST will not function properly if not set.

    • Optional: May be set, if needed.

    • Production: This should be set for production use, but is not necessary for development use.

    • Debug: Should only be set for testing purposes.

    • (deprecated): Do not set this option. — List page from Classic Sites