Checking out the CLDR Archive

A number of the tools in CLDR depend on access to older versions. These tools include:

Here’s how to do that.

  1. Create an archive directory cldr-archive. The Simplest is if it on the same level as your local CLDR repository. In other words, if your CLDR_DIR is …/workspace/cldr, then create the directory  …/workspace/cldr-archive
    (Note: The Java property ARCHIVE can be used to overide the path to cldr-archive).
  2. Open up and look at ToolConstants.CLDR_VERSIONS. You’ll see something like:
    1. public static final List<String> CLDR_VERSIONS = ImmutableList.of(
    2. “1.1.1”,
    3. “1.2”,
    4. “1.3”,
    5. “1.4.1”,
    6. “1.5.1”,
    7. “1.6.1”,
    8. “1.7.2”,
    9. “1.8.1”,
    10. “41.0”
    11. // add to this once the release is final!
    12. );
      • NOTE: this should also match (those two need to be merged together)
  3. Add the just-released version, such as “42.0” to the list  above
    • Also update DEV_VERSION to “43” (the next development version)
    • Finally, update and make similar changes.
  4. Now, run the tool org.unicode.cldr.tool.CheckoutArchive
    • Or from the command line:
      mvn -DCLDR_DIR= path_to/cldr --file=tools/pom.xml -pl cldr-code compile -DskipTests=true exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=org.unicode.cldr.tool.CheckoutArchive  -Dexec.args=”“
    • Note other options for this tool:   --help will give help   --prune will run a ‘git workspace prune’ before proceeding   --echo will just show the commands that would be run, without running anything (For example,  -Dexec.args=”--prune” in the above command line)

The end result (where you need all of the releases) looks something like the following:


Advanced Configuration