
This test checks the elements, attributes, and attribute values for validity, using the DtdData.

Attribute Values

The DTD attribute @MATCH is used to test the attribute value. It has a small set of tests that it can perform, with a simple ability to combine tests.

If the test fails, there are two cases:

  1. The value is valid, and the DTD needs fixing to keep up.

  2. The value is invalid and a data file needs fixing.

Here is what a failure of type 1 looks like, when pasted into a spreadsheet (recommended, since the tabs will separate into columns that way):

The problem is that there is an additional value that needs to be added to the literals in the match expression in the DTD. After verifying that the failing value is in fact correct, it can be added to the literals to fix the problem.

Here is a type 2 failure.

The cause was the following line added to supplemental/numberingSystems.xml.

<numberingSystem id="segment" type="numeric" digits="&#x1FBF0;&#x1FBF1;&#x1FBF2;&#x1FBF3;&#x1FBF4;&#x1FBF5;&#x1FBF6;&#x1FBF7;&#x1FBF8;&#x1FBF9;"/>

The line lists the match expression from the supplementalData.xml, which is if you look at the source:

<!ATTLIST numberingSystem id NMTOKEN #REQUIRED >


The problem was that "segment" was not a valid bcp47 -nu- value. Since it was a value that should also have been added to bcp47/number.xml, the fix was to add to the following line:

<type name="segment" description="Legacy computing segmented digits" since="37"/>


NOTE: The test may not be strict enough; sometimes there are lines like the following, where a much tighter set of validity criteria should be used; typically using a function like locale/


@MATCH Expressions

The expression language can change in the future; it is currently the following.

<...> marks a variable.

Note: for NMTOKENS and other attribute values split by spaces, use set/<expression>


A convenient place to put a breakpoint is at the second call to [dtdData.getValueStatus] in TestAttributeValues. It is set up to repeat the call if there is an invalid result.