Survey Tool Administration

This page describes the administrative tabs available to survey tool Super Users.

These tabs are found by opening the "gear" menu, and choosing the item titled "Admin Panel".

Developers: To get to the Admin Panel, find the "cldr" directory (in your Tomcat server home). If you have viewed a recent Survey Tool page, there should be an "admin.html" file. It contains a link to your admin panel.

General note:

    • Be careful, there are many powerful controls here.

    • The subpanes don't auto refresh. Click the tabs to reload contents. For example, click the Threads tab multiple times to refresh the list of threads.

    • You can bookmark a tab.

About the links at the top:

    • SurveyTool as Admin - this option instantly takes you to the main page of the Survey Tool, logged in as the admin. This is a bookmarkable link.

  • Raw SQL

      • this page allows raw SQL queries AND UPDATES. DANGER!

      • Type in a query and click Query.

      • Tick the "U/I/D" button if it is an Update/Insert/Delete!

      • Tick the "Show all?" button to show more than the first few rows (limited by default)

      • The default view shows a list of some of the tables.

      • When viewing SQL results, "BLOB" is expanded to UTF-8.

    • CreateAndLogin (CLDR_TESTPW) - This bookmarkable link grants access to immediately create a new user with a random name. This is what is used for Smoketest access.

    • SurveyTool Setup - This link allows you to take the ST into maintenance mode for initial config. See SurveyTool Step-by-step setup

Description of the tabs:


  • Lists all users currently logged in

  • The "Kick" button ends that user's session, as if they had logged out.

  • The "Session" is the user's temporary session key (hex)

  • The user's name and gravatar is shown.

  • "LastCall" gives how long ago their browser "called home" to the Survey Tool (i.e. their network connection is alive), in this case, 14 seconds.

  • "LastAction" gives how long ago the user took an explicit action, such as clicking a page. In this case, 2 minutes and 15 seconds ago.

  • "IP" shows the user's current IP (IPv6 localhost in this case)

  • ttk is the time before the user's session would expire, in this case nearly 1 hour (3,600 seconds)

  • "TC" indicates that this is a TC user. This display is similar to the user list page.


  • This is a list of active Java threads and their state.

  • The number is the thread id.

  • For an explanation of the meaning of the states (RUNNABLE, WAITING, etc.) see the javadoc for java.lang.Thread.State. Generally, "RUNNABLE" means the thread is performing some processing, other states indicate some kind of a block.

  • Important Survey Tool threads include:

    • "http-nio-*" - these are the Tomcat threads that service HTTP requests.

    • One of these will of course be calling dumpThreads() to bring you the page you are viewing.

    • "[ST Threads" - this is the Survey Tool task runner (see SurveyThread) which performs background tasks such as:

      • startup processing and verifying

      • export of vetting results

      • building the Vetting Viewer output (aka Priority Items)

  • You can click a thread's ID to view its current stack trace.

      • There is a button "Select" which will copy the stack trace, in case you want to paste it into a bug report or similar.

    • If there are any concurrency deadlocks, they will also be shown.


    • See also: STroubleshooting

    • This lists the exceptions stored in the Survey Tool logfile, in reverse order (newest first)

    • Duplicate exceptions are coalesced, so you will see "7 other times", meaning this exception was seen other times.

      • If you click the "7 other times" text, it will give you the list of when the other times were

    • mouse over the "(more exceptions)" text to keep looking backwards in the exception log.

    • Chained exceptions are unrolled.

    • The 'Select" button may be used to copy the text, for pasting into a bug report. It is somewhat formatted for Jira.


    • gives the current settings ( which see)

    • also allows you to modify some items

    • CLDR_HEADER - this is the headline message. Use this to notify users that its' time to log out. (Note: seems to be broken.)


These are buttons that perform various actions.

    • rawload - Developer Use only ON your local system!

This action allows you to import a copy of the production SurveyTool data to your local system for testing. It erases all users and votes from your local instance, hence it is only permitted for the "Local" Environment (i.e. not smoketest nor production).

To use:

    1. Download the file and store it on your local disk. This contains anonymous (no name or email address) information.

    2. Download (you can use Subversion) the pxml (proposed XML) directory from to your local disk.

    3. From the Admin panel, click "Actions" and then click the "rawload" button.

    4. Fill in the form:

      1. ABSOLUTE PATH to users.xml with the path to your local users.xml file

      2. ABSOLUTE PATH to pxml with the path to your pxml directory

      3. Click the Submit button.

    5. This will take a few minutes. Watch your server console.

    • NOTE: This process purposefully causes the SurveyTool to enter a "broken" state, so that it isn't used in an inconsistent manner. The message "WARNING: SurveyTool busted: Due to IMPORT of local data" is expected and due to successful import.

    1. When successful, you will see something like

    • "1 user files read..."

    • "136 locales loaded from /home/srl/workspace/cldr-tmp2/pxml//common/main and 5 locales loaded from /home/srl/workspace/cldr-tmp2/pxml//seed/main"

    • "... Now busting (shutting down) your surveytool so that this will be picked up the next time around"

    • [warning] You must manually restart the SurveyTool to proceed. (i.e. restart Tomcat)

  1. Next, you must restart the SurveyTool. From Eclipse, right-click the server instance and choose Restart.

  2. Your main (admin@) vetting password is unchanged, however, all other user accounts have been replaced by the production data.

Note: if you require non-anonymized user data, the server has the file "users.xml" which has original names and email addresses. See {tomcat}/cldr/vetdata/users/users.xml on the server.