Eclipse Setup

OBSOLETE, Need instructions for Git/Jira

2020+: See Maven Setup

This page here may still contain useful nuggets.

We use Eclipse for development and testing of our tools.

Keywords: getting started running tests run


  • JDK 1.8 is required, so install that first!

Setup Eclipse and SVN

(but see alternatives below):

Follow the links below to set up Eclipse as described on the ICU Site. Make sure you have “Eclipse for Java EE”. Set up Subversion also, since you'll need it soon.


      • (Stop before the heading "Importing ICU4J")

    1. File->Import, pick SVN, then Projects from SVN.

    2. Use the URL for guest access or svn+ssh:// for authenticated access (see CLDR Repository Access) and check out the following projects:

      1. common ( as a General project )

      2. seed ( as a General project )

      3. test ( as a General project )

      4. java ( as a Java project - it will be named cldr-tools )

      5. cldr-apps ( as a JavaEE project )

Alternative 1

Markus 2012-oct-25: I use command-line svn and checkout the whole CLDR tree. Yoshito says normal developers [not doing SurveyTool work] just need to import one project into Eclipse, from the <svn.cldr>/tools/java root. Update 2014-aug-15: You need the tools/cldr-unittest project, too.

If there are red x's after importing the project, be sure to define ANT_LIB. If the ant executable is installed on your machine already, you have the JAR. Just run "which ant" to find out where the ant executable is (you may have to follow some symbolic links). Suppose you find the executable at /usr/share/ant/bin/ant, then the library will be /usr/share/ant/lib/ant.jar. Look below under "Setup User Libraries" to find out how to tell eclipse where your ant.jar file is. (Window/Preferences, Java/Build Path/User Libraries, New... name it ANT_LIB, Add external Jars... find & select /usr/share/ant/lib/ant.jar or wherever it lives on your system.)

Once you complete this, the red x's should go away and you are ready to run the unit tests. See test/unit tests below.

You need to set -DCLDR_DIR=/home/mscherer/svn.cldr/trunk (change to where you checked out the CLDR repository) either in the JRE default VM arguments (see below, although srl does not seem to recommend that [why?]) or in each of the Debug/Run configurations you use for CLDR tests and tools.

Alternative 2

Mark 2014-jan-28: I've never been able to get subversive to work, and use the following instead: Subeclipse Setup.

Java in Eclipse


Go to Preferences (under Eclipse on Mac, under Window on others)

TODO: I don't recommend the struck out lines, ever. Especially if you ever run the SurveyTool. -srl

    • Java>Installed JREs

      • Pick 1.7.0

      • Edit...

      • Default VM arguments: (change red to your specific path)

        • -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8

        • -Xmx2000M

        • -DSHOW_FILES

        • -DSHOW

        • -DCLDR_DIR=${workspace_loc}/cldr/


    • Server->Runtime Environment

    • choose Apache Tomcat v7.0 and click Edit

    • Add the VM arguments

        • -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8

        • -Xmx2000M

For now, the following formatting settings are suggested. (These settings should already be in the CLDR tool's eclipse project file), so you shouldn't need to do anything.

    • General>Workspace: Text File Encoding: UTF-8

    • General>Editors>Text Editors:

      • Displayed Tab width: 4

      • Insert spaces for tabs

      • Show line numbers (optional)

    • Java>Code Style>Formatter:

      • Edit...

      • Profile Name: CLDR

      • Indentation Tab

        • Tab policy: Spaces Only

        • Indentation size: 4

        • Tab size: 4

        • Align fields in columns

      • Line Wrapping Tab

        • Maximum line width: 160

        • Never Join Lines ✓

Setup User Libraries

Also, you need to set up user libraries as follows.

    • Java>Build Path>User Libraries

  • Click "New" to add Ant

    • Specify "ANT_LIB" as the user library name

    • Get ant libraries from Extract the contents to a local directory YYY/apache-ant-XXX

    • Click "Add External JARs..." and specify the location of "ant.jar" as YYY/apache-ant-XXX/lib/ant.jar


To make sure that you are up and running, run both of the sets of tests below. (As you are doing development, you must be sure to fix any failures before committing your changes.)

In Eclipse, to find any file, type Shift-Command-R.

Unit tests

    • Goto unittest/TestAll

    • Right-click, Run as... Java Application.

    • Stop it immediately, then open Run>Run Configuration>ConsoleCheckCLDR>Arguments (Travis Keep: On my eclipse, I found this under ...>Run Configuration>JAVA Application>TestAll>Arguments)

    • Add -n -u under "Program arguments" section.

    • Travis Keep: Even if you are not doing SURVEYTOOL work, add -DCLDR_DIR=${workspace_loc} in VM arguments section below Program arguments section. ${workspace_loc} is the root directory of your subversion CLDR working copy.

    • Travis Keep: Once the tests finish running, you must search for 'FAILED' in the output console using Ctrl-F or similar to determine whether or not all the tests actually passed. (Isn't this fixed? -srl)

    • IF DOING SURVEYTOOL DEVELOPMENT: ADD the following to JVM Arguments

      • -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8

      • -Xmx2000M

      • -DSHOW_FILES

      • -DSHOW

      • -DCLDR_DIR=${workspace_loc}/cldr/ (Travis Keep: There is no cldr folder under my workspace root)


    • Hit Run

    • It is a fairly comprehensive test, and takes about 5 minutes to finish.

Data tests

    • Go to ConsoleCheckCLDR

    • Right-click, Run as... Java Application.

    • Stop it immediately, then open Run>Run Configuration> ConsoleCheckCLDR>Arguments

      • Add -e (Travis Keep: you should have "-n -u -e" under program arguments. Since -e sets exhaustiveness to 5 and default exhaustiveness is 0, it follows that this procedure covers all the unit tests in the section above as well. It seems that one only needs to follow the procedures in this "Data tests" section to run all the tests. The section above labeled "Unit tests" can be ignored.)

      • Travis Keep: For the curious, find out more about test program parameters by entering -? or -h under "program arguments" and run TestAll the same way as in the bullet point above. The documentation on the various "program arguments" should appear in the output console.

    • Travis Keep: Even if you are not doing SURVEYTOOL work, add -DCLDR_DIR=${workspace_loc} in VM arguments section below Program arguments section. ${workspace_loc} is the root directory of your subversion CLDR working copy.

    • Travis Keep: Once the tests finish running, you must search for 'FAILED' in the output console using Ctrl-F or similar to determine whether or not all the tests actually passed. (Isn't this fixed? -srl)

    • IF DOING SURVEYTOOL DEVELOPMENT: ADD the following to JVM Arguments

      • -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8

      • -Xmx2000M

      • -DSHOW_FILES

      • -DSHOW

      • -DCLDR_DIR=${workspace_loc}/cldr/


    • Hit Run

    • It is a fairly comprehensive test, and takes about 5 minutes to finish.


Create Branch

Right-click on project, select Team>Branch/Tag

Change the "Copy to" URL from .../trunk to something like .../branches/mark


Next (the Create Copy should be HEAD)



Right-click on the project, select Team>Switch to another...

Change the To URL from .../trunk to something like .../branches/mark (or the reverse)


Merge a branch back into the trunk:

Switch to branches/X

Merge (reintegrate)

Switch to trunk

Merge (reintegrate)


Survey Tool

If you're going to be running the Survey Tool locally, see: How to build the Survey Tool under Eclipse.

Clean Up Source Code

Organize Imports

You can nicely organize import statements (deleting unused import, sorting import statements) with simple keyboard operation on Eclipse. When you edit a Java source code, simply press Ctrl+Shift+O will organize the currently editing source code. It is encouraged to organize imports whenever you edit a Java source code.

You can also organize imports in multiple files. To do this, right click on source code folder(s) in Project Explorer, then select "Source" - "Organize Imports". In each CLDR release, we make sure import statements are organized in all Java source files in all projects (cldr-apps / cldr-tools / cldr-unittest).

Format Source

CLDR Eclipse project files come with its own code formatter setting. To make the code style consistent across Java source files, it is encouraged to format source code whenever you edit a new code. To achieve this, you can select a block of source code, or entire source file (Ctrl+A), followed by Ctrl+Shift+F.

Like organize imports, you can format multiple source files by selecting source code folder(s) in Project Explorer, select "Source" - "Format". In each CLDR release, we run through entire CLDR java source files. This operation sometimes make a lot of modifications if someone write non-standard style Java code.