Documenting CLDR Tools

Developers: Make sure your tool is easily accessible from the command line.

You can add the @CLDRTool annotation to any class in cldr-code that has a main() function, and it will be documented as part of the JAR cldr-code.jar is used.

See CLDR Tools for general information about obtaining and using CLDR tools.

Coding it

An example from will start us out here

@CLDRTool(alias = "check",

description = "Run CheckCLDR against CLDR data")

public class ConsoleCheckCLDR { …

Then, calling java -jar cldr-tools.jar -l produces:

check - Run CheckCLDR against CLDR data


= org.unicode.cldr.test.ConsoleCheckCLDR

And then java -jar cldr-tools.jar check can be used to run this tool. All additional arguments after "check" are passed to ConsoleCheckCLDR.main() as arguments.

Note these annotation parameters. Only "alias" is required.

    • alias - used from the command line instead of the full class name. Also forms part of the default URL for documentation.

    • description - a short description of the tool.

Additional parameters:

    • url - you can specify a custom URL for the tool. This is displayed with the listing.

    • hidden - if non-empty, this specifies a reason to not show the tool when running "java -jar" without "-l". For example, the main() function may be a less-useful internal tool, or a test.

Documenting it

Assuming your tools’s alias is myalias, create a new subpage with the URL (a subpage of CLDR Tools). Fill this page out with information about how to use your tool.